What Can You Do with a Masters in Nursing?

After completing a BSN and working as an RN, you may have the itch to go back to school and obtain your masters. That’s one way of upgrading your knowledge base and skill set; and your earning potential, of course. But what can you do with a masters in nursing?

A masters is almost always the basic requirement for nursing focused in specialty areas or nonclinical careers in healthcare management and administration.

The courses you will take will naturally vary depending upon your chosen specialty area. Generally, they would include nursing theory, professional practice and issues in nursing management, nursing research, health systems overview, and pharmacology.

What can I do with an MSN?

If you are asking can you get a masters in nursing, then you will find that there are many jobs for those holding a masters in nursing. Well list a few.

Masters degree nursing jobs in clinical settings

Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) Graduates of MSN may become licensed APNs; in some states, they are also called advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). As such, they deliver primary healthcare services to patients, independently or alongside doctors. They further sub-specialize to take on the following roles:

Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNS) – they specialize in a particular area of nursing concern, such as, a specific group of the population (paediatrics or geriatrics), diseases (cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes), or clinical setting (intensive care, emergency).

Certified Nurse Midwives (CNM) – they provide counselling, prenatal and postpartum care, and care for patients during childbirth. Their responsibilities often extend to providing family reproductive healthcare, routine gynaecological services, peri- and post-menopausal healthcare to women patients.

Nurse Practitioners (NPs) they serve in an expanded scope of responsibilities within the healthcare system, from diagnostics to treatment of injuries and diseases. They may work independently or with a medical team. They are usually authorized to prescribe and dispense medication, and to directly refer patients to medical specialists and other healthcare professionals.

Certified Registered Nurse Anaesthetists (CRNAs) – they assist surgeons performing surgeries. They usually work with the medical team during surgical, trauma and obstetrical procedures to administer anaesthetics to patients safely. They may be authorized to practice independently, but most states require them to be under the supervision of a licensed physician when dispensing anaesthetics.

Albeit nurses’ roles may vary by state, APNs are generally allowed to prescribe and dispense medicine to patients.

They work in various settings like hospitals, public health clinics, physicians’ offices, nursing care facilities, in homes or in schools.

Their salaries depend on the facility they work in: from $60,000 to $65,000 annually in nursing facilities and home healthcare services; $69,000 to $72,000 in hospitals, outpatient clinics, and doctors’ offices; and around $100,000 for highly-trained certified registered nurse anaesthetists in these same healthcare settings.

Masters degree nursing jobs in non clinical settings

Nursing Administrators, Supervisors, or Directors – they generally take charge in supervising nursing personnel, as well as enhancing the quality of patient care systems.

A nursing administration job ranks among the most well-liked jobs around the country nowadays, and certainly for good reasons.

The current salary range of a nursing supervisor varies from $70,000 to $80,000 annually, while nursing directors earn around $100,000 to $130,000.

Thus, the higher the degree of responsibility, the more lucrative your earnings will be.

For instance, a nursing head, with an MSN degree, in a large and prestigious healthcare facility, could fetch a hefty pay ranging from $150,000 to around $200,000 annually.

Nursing Consultant – large healthcare facilities will require consultants in various fields of concern to facilitate communications and certification, assess costs, and assist in risk management.

Community nurse consultants are often sought for specific concerns in nursing home facilities and health care centres.

Certified legal nurse consultants work with attorneys in law firms, government agencies, private companies, and insurance firms to provide insights pertaining to standards, costs, and legal issues.

Nurses can work as occupational consultants to help patients manage stress, and handle their requirements for nutrition, exercise, and ergonomics. MSNs who are experts in specific health ailments can offer their advice on key issues like autism, diabetes, and injury care.

Consultants often work freelance with varying hours and shifting schedules but they take home over $125,000 in a year.

Nurse Educator – this nursing specialization produces instructors, teachers, and professors in various settings and establishments.

Nurse educators earn around $67,000 annually. In business schools where nursing programs are offered, the salary is a tad higher at around $70,000. Nursing instructors working in large specialty hospitals earn around $100,000 a year.

Nurse Researcher – Nurses may provide assistance in the evaluation and logistics of nursing and healthcare facilities.

Research work usually involves data evaluation, scholarly analysis, and statistics, but may further entail other responsibilities like reviewing hospital or institution procedures, administrative processing, personnel guidelines, and staffing credentials.

The more specialized nursing infomatics coordinators establish prescribed goals and objectives, as well as institute the implementation and maintenance of technology systems.

They earn an annual salary ranging from $75,000 to $100,000.

I hope this helps, with what can you do with a masters in nursing?